Thursday, July 7, 2011

4th of July in LaPoint

It was definitely an eventful 4th of July weekend for the Wright family! On Saturday we went to a family reunion from the Walker's side of the family. It was down in Altamont (inbetween Roosevelt and Vernal) and they reserved a cabin with a big pond and a big area to play and have fun. We showed up late and I guess we missed out on a big water fight and the raffle drawings but we still had fun in the kayaks and hanging out with family. Everyone was trying to knock everybody off their kayaks (well mostly just Kyle ;) Also that day some of us went boating. Win got some good air while he was wakeboarding. It was Kyle's first time wakeboarding and he was a pro! He got up the first time and was going over the wakes and stayed on really good. It was my second attempt at wakeboarding (the first time I tried was probably five years ago and I barely got up). Surprisingly I got up real easy this time and stayed on for a while.
Sunday we went on a tour of all the dams around that area. It was awesome! Because of all the flooding and all the water in the mountains the lakes, rivers, and dams were raging full. You could just feel the power and force standing next to the water fall, it was definitely a cool experience. We got to Lapoint after seeing the first dam. Of course we had our usual games of Rook, and I must say I'm getting a lot better at it.
On the 4th of July we went to the LaPoint parade. It's definitely the smallest parade I've ever been to but they throw out tons of candy! I swear I had more candy in my bag then at Halloween. Afterwards they had a raffle giveway and a little program, we put in some raffle tickets for the quilt but didn't get it. The most eventful part of the day was lighting off fireworks. Kyle and I bought a couple fireworks that go in the air and a bunch of little ones. The craziest part happened when one of the big fireworks tipped over as it was going off! Kyle, Win, and Will took off in all different directions (I've never seen people move so fast). Nash and I were in the Rhino and got front row seats to all the craziness. The fireworks were blowing up everywhere, then one shot underneath Grandpa Walker's chair and everyone scattered except him. The firework blew up under his chair and he had the most shocked face, it was hilarious! Everybody couldn't stop laughing. Needless to say it was an eventful 4th of July.

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